
Senyales de vida

Muchisimas gracias a todos por acordaros de mi cumpleanyos, he tardado una hora leer todos los e-mails!! Ay que emosion...
Para celebrar que llevo 25 anyos en este planeta me he regalado un safari con camellos por el desierto del Thar en Jaisalmer, por eso he estado cuatro dias incomunicado.
Poco a poco ire colgando fotos de estos dias en el desierto!!


Anonymous Anónimo said...

hola amigo! soy yo, Richa! Is today your birthday? Well, happy birthday!!! My birthday is Jan 17! Capricorns...

I am so pleased to see your website and the updates. Your photos are truly amazing and they capture the beauty of India. I am so sad that I only had 3 weeks to spend there. I think that I may have to go again and see the places that you are seeing.

My own family in India has not seen as much as you have and they travel a lot! You are very lucky to have the chance to do this and I am lucky to know you and to be able to see what you are doing and where you have been traveling.

Now, we must find a way to translate everything into English so that I can have my other nonSpanish speaking friends have the honour of being able to read your site!

Did you know that Udaipur was also my favourite city in India when I visited in 2001?

Richa in NYC


Anonymous Anónimo said...

no me conoces. Yo soy maite,catalana y el 2006 estuve 8 meses en la india. Iba buscando en internet fotos guapas de dioses hindus ,yo tengo pocas y todas de ganesh, para enseñarselos a los niños de las escuelas y me he encontrado tus fotos y diario. Solo te escribo para felicitarte por las fotos son guapisimas. Me has transportado otra vez a este pais maravilloso, al que voy a volver prontito, porque me falta mucho aun por descubrir.Bueno, que sigas flipando con tu viaje. Un beso



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